We’ve Forgotten How To Laugh

Even at comic strips

Lisa Beth Wright
2 min readSep 2, 2024
Four friends, arm-in-arm, laughing.
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

I follow several comic strip groups on Facebook, and the comments on the posted strips are ridiculous. They prove that most people today have no sense of humor.

I think it’s the Donald Trump effect.

Comments range from advocating spanking children for misbehavior (beating, actually), to criticizing parenting skills. Some comments are pretty violent.

People act like these are real life events taking place that they can and should criticize.

Because, by God, we need to whip (literally) people into place!

Here are some actual comments posted on strips in the Calvin & Hobbes group:

  1. “Why didn’t mom go into the exam room with Calvin, since he’s only six? She could have avoided embarrassment.” (At a doctor’s appointment.)
  2. “No place to take him.” (Referring to a museum.)
  3. “You’re not going to be able to sit for a week, Calvin.” (When Calvin threw a snowball at Dad.)
  4. “These pictures will remind you to use a condom next time.” (Response to Calvin making faces.)
  5. “This is why I hate Susie as a character. Acting like one stupid failed project is going to ruin her future…

