Why I Don’t Trust Amazon Reviews Anymore
A very disturbing discovery
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend on Amazon. Most video reviews now have a badge stating “earns commission.” That is never a sign of a fair review.
Worse than that, all of my negative reviews are rejected. Every. Single. One. Amazon simply refuses to publish them if they are negative.
They emailed me regarding my recent review. Here’s what they had to say.
“We couldn’t post your review because it doesn’t meet our community guidelines.
Please edit and resubmit your review. Before you do, make sure it meets all of our guidelines.”
Umm, what community guidelines did I not follow? They didn’t specify, so it’s a mystery to me.
I perused every single guideline, and as far as I can tell, I followed them all.
The only one I didn’t follow was the unwritten one to leave a positive review on an “Amazon choice” product.
My review was only about the product, and I even included pictures. They still refused to publish it.
I won’t be submitting any further reviews, and I won’t be trusting any I read, either.
It seems clear that they are suppressing any bad product reviews, and I think it’s shady as hell.